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Napoleon Venturi Tube Brush

SKU: 62005 Category: Tag:

To keep your grill working at its best, clean the burner tubes with the Napoleon Venturi Tube Cleaner.



To keep your grill working at its best, clean the burner tubes with the Napoleon Venturi Tube Cleaner. Sometimes your grill gets grease buildup, or pests, like spiders come to live in the warm areas where the grill is lit, attracted by the smell of gas. Nests will ignite and cause flare-ups or worse, a blockage occurs. That is when you need to use the Venturi Tube Cleaner. Insert it carefully into a burner using a gentle twisting motion, and pulling back for every inch you move forward, until the tube is free of obstructions. The Venturi Tube Cleaner by Napoleon has stiff nylon bristles to clear out obstructions and a flexible 28-inch body to reach all the way through the burner. Clever, multifunctional and easy to maintain, every kitchen benefits from the addition of a Napoleon barbecue accessory. Our accessories provide you with the essentials to create delicious grilled food and then some to enhance your cooking arsenal with a wide variety of creative additions to broaden your culinary horizons.

Additional information

Weight 196.65 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 5 × 0.75 cm
Weight (Lbs)

Width (Inches)

Height (Inches)

Depth (Inches)


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480 Eastchester Ave. East,
St. Catharines, ON