Home ยป 37.7 37.7 Product Brands - Weber(1) Product categories - Barbecues(1) Charcoal Grills(1) Weber Charcoal Grills(1) Product Fuel Type - Charcoal(1) Showing the single result Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low CharcoalWeber Ranch Kettle Charcoal Grill 37″ A yard full of friends, tables loaded down with food, and great grilling music wafting through the air. The enormous capacity of the Ranch Kettle charcoal grill sets the tone for a party that will last until the sun comes up. $2,200.00 View Product Product Filter Product Brands - Weber(1) Product categories - Barbecues(1) Charcoal Grills(1) Weber Charcoal Grills(1) Product Fuel Type - Charcoal(1)