Home ยป 14.7 14.7 Product Brands - Weber(1) Product categories - Barbecues(1) Charcoal Grills(1) Weber Charcoal Grills(1) Product Fuel Type - Charcoal(1) Showing the single result Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low CharcoalWeber Smokey Mountain Cooker Smoker 14″ Take in the sweet smell of pulled pork smoking in your Smokey Mountain Cooker smoker. Or head to the lake and smoke some salmon over charcoal mixed with apple wood chunks. $369.00 View Product Product Filter Product Brands - Weber(1) Product categories - Barbecues(1) Charcoal Grills(1) Weber Charcoal Grills(1) Product Fuel Type - Charcoal(1)